The Hyperborean: Going Beyond Christian Morality



by Thomas LeRoy

From the beginning, Christianity and many other right-hand path philosophies have portrayed life as punishment and as a transitory state of being. The body is looked upon as a prison and is a danger to the soul; as such the individual has to live life according to specific rules of conduct to attain the recompense of the “Afterlife“. The here and now is all but ignored, reality little more than an introduction to a greater story to come.

The Hyperborean, the highest degree in the Sect (a name used by Nietzsche to describe those that live his philosophy), denies this notion as that of the weak in mind and spirit. It is the mentality of the slave. These slaves lack will and creativity and blindly follow authority, basing their lives on the notion of that perfect world to come. They are crippled by their own beliefs and do little to advance as people or a species since they value meekness and restraint. They are filled with the constant fear of going astray from what they see as the path of religious truth. Trapped in a moral system that will not allow them to truly exert their will, they internalize their rage. Guilt sets in, leading to self-contempt and depression.

What is most insidious is this “morality of the slave” has not only permeated the hearts and minds of the religious, but also those who claim no religious faith. Many take it as axiomatic that meekness, civility, communal cooperation are universal truths, and that the strong individualist, the Hyperborean, having created their own morality, is a selfish being. Since they dare to break the chains of an ancient moral code, they become social pariahs. But the status of outcast is a mark of honor to the Hyperborean, for a wild boar finds no joy in a pig-pen.

The Hyperborean is a person of action and a philosophical warrior. They dare to take chances, doing what most people only dream of. The Hyperborean is their own God, giving themselves morality and value as they see fit according to their will. They strive for personal structures to moral standards, thus calling for new ways of evaluating the world. These strong individualists have re-thought morality in their day to day lives, but by doing so they question what it means to be human, since humanity has always been based on a concept of morality which regulates social practices and norms. The Hyperboreans, though, test themselves and their vision against such regulations.

They unabashedly test their strengths against the world.

The Orders of The Sect of the Horned God

The Order of Pan
The Order of Cernunnos
The Order of Prometheus
The Order of Dionysis
The Order of Shiva

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