The 9 Traits of a Sect Member


By Thomas LeRoy, Founder of the Sect of the Horned God

1. A Sect member does not believe, they “know”.
2. A Sect member does not have the mentality of a “victim”. They are accountable for their own actions and do not blame outside forces.
3. A Sect member knows altruism does not exist. Everything is done for selfish reasons.
4. A Sect member is courteous, but reserves respect for those that deserve it. (Satan is a gentleman!)
5. A Sect member knows the word “supernatural” is an oxymoron, for nothing can be “beyond nature”.
6. A Sect member uses empiricism instead of anecdotal evidence when in a debate.
7. A Sect member moves down the left-hand path instead of standing still, beating their chest, proclaiming their divinity.
8. A Sect member has a sense of humor! Being able to laugh at the absurdities of Life means they have not given in, or given up.
9. A Sect member uses the regrets of the past as the wisdom of today and the future!

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The Order of Pan
The Order of Cernunnos
The Order of Prometheus
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